6202 Long Leaf Dr, Houston, TX 77088
Office (832) 504 - 2382

About Us

Our Vision

We will inspire its employees to be the best they can be. We will engage in sustainable practices and anticipate the needs of our customers maintaining quality in our services.

Our Mission

We are committed to provide our employees a stable work environment with equal opportunity for learning and personal growth. Creativity and innovation are encouraged for improving the effectiveness.

Healthier Homes

With today’s tightly sealed, well insulated homes, the air inside your home can be two to five times more polluted than the air outside. There are several sources of indoor air quality issues, but luckily we offer several solutions to these problems.

A/C and Refrigeration

Air conditioners have circulation systems designed to project cool air away from the units while refrigeration units have circulation systems designed to retain coolant in a confined space. Refrigeration systems circulate cool liquids and gases through a series of tubes and vents.

